
  • JSONPath expressions start with $, which refers to the root of the JSON document
  • Dots . indicate traversal to a child property
  • Brackets [] can access elements in arrays


Given the following data structure:

  "date": "2015-12-17 17:30:32",
  "product_id": "632756e2-1aaa-11eb-8aeb-acde48001122",
  "user_id": "897297",
  "event": "search",
  "extra_data": {
    "city": "Columbia",
    "country": "USA",
    "special_note": "Limited edition & exclusive",
    "discount": {
      "amount": 5.0,
      "currency": "USD"

This is the corresponding YAML configuration:

name: shopping_data_with_json_path
    date: DateTime
    product_id: String
    user_id: Int64
    event: String
    price: Nullable(Float32) $.extra_data.price
    city: String $
    country: String $
    special_note: Nullable(String) $.extra_data.special_note
    tags: Array(String) $.extra_data.tags
    discount_amount: Nullable(Float32) $
    discount_currency: Nullable(String) $
    promo_code: Nullable(String) $.extra_data.promo_code
    gift_wrap: Nullable(Bool) $.extra_data.gift_wrap
    session_id: Nullable(String) $.extra_data.session_id

Top-Level Fields: Fields like product_id and event are mapped directly since they are at the root of the JSON structure

Nested Fields: JSONPath is used to extract data from deeper levels of the JSON object:

  • $ maps to the city column.
  • $ maps to the discount_amount column.

In Airfold UI

To map JSON just use Source creation wizard as usual.


Choose Text to create schema from a text sample.
Paste your JSON object into the wizard.

Check out the resulting schema.

Rename columns if needed.
Add name to the source and click Create to create the source.

You can remove lines from YAML to remove field mappings you are not interested in.
You can add new mappings too.